On the 16th of March 2018 took place at Estação Piloto de Piscicultura de Olhão (EPPO) (Algarve) of Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) the first meeting of the project OSTRAQUAL - Enhancing and promoting the oyster aquaculture quality in Sado and Mira region with the IPMA partners.

Prof Ricardo Salgado and Prof Ana Mata from CINEA were present in the meeting with the EPPO group to discuss the main objectives and outcomes of the project tasks. The IPMA research team will study the reproduction of the C. angulata and the interaction of the oysters with other living organisms in the Mira river.

The objective of the project is to promote the quality of the oysters produced in the Sado and Mira region by given the technical and scientific information about the production in the aquaculture and nutritional quality value to the community. The results of the project will also contribute to increase the aquaculture production and to involve the stakeholders of the region to promote the Sea Economy.  

The meeting was a success and all the working group was pleased to start working in the project. All the team was aware of their task and the actions to take care during the project were planned during the meeting.