The II Seminar of INCITE - Center for Innovation in Science and Technology took place on December 18, 2019, at the amphitheater 1.01 - the II Seminar of INCITE - Center for Innovation in Science and Technology. This seminar was a moment for sharing the center's activity, open to the whole community and included the following program:

14:00 Opening and Presentation - INCITE Coordinator - Nelson Carriço

1st part - Projects and other work in progress with student participation

14:15 AGIR - Diogo Felicíssimo / André Antunes

14:25 WISDom - Rúben Santos / Catarina Nascimento

14:40 Contributions to the Circular Economy: from the paper industry to the construction industry - Júlia Deloroso / Cristiana Pereira

14:55 DECIDE - Tiago Dias / Bruno Ferreira

15:10 Coffee break 2nd part - Presentation of proposals - IPS financing tender

15:30 ARSus Proposal - Cristiana Pereira

15:45 Proposal Industry 4.0 - Vitória Ferreira

16:00 ADVICE Proposal - Cristina Oliveira

16:15 INCITE activities - state of play and future proposals

16:45 Closing