E³UDRES² Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions (F1)
Project Information
Main Researchers

Pedro Dominguinhos
The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions (E.I.N.S.) of EUDRES envisions new paths for entrepreneurial universities, elevates entrepreneurial education to a new level, co-creates advanced support for innovation and business creation, and enhances collaboration across the knowledge triangle, surpassing the state of the art. E.I.N.S. empowers "Ent-Re-Novators" (entrepreneurs, researchers, innovators), including young talents, specialists, managers, SMEs, local authorities, and engaged citizens.
E.I.N.S. strengthens the European University E'UDRES' (www.eudres.eu), the dedicated and entrepreneurial European University as a driver for Smart European Regions, highlighting its importance in promoting bottom-up innovation, the significant contribution of SMEs to the European economy and labor market, as well as the role regions play in supporting European cultural identities and maintaining a high quality of life. This project connects small but agile Higher Education Institutions that promote their regions: St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria), Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (Portugal), Politehnica University of Timișoara (Romania), University for Agriculture and Life Sciences (Hungary), University College Leuven Limburg (Belgium), and Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Latvia). These institutions are joined by a wide variety of partners: business agencies, incubators, accelerators, venture funds, emerging communities, and other change agents for a digital and green transition. These partners are regionally anchored and globally connected, offering access to regional communities and resources, as well as relevant European networks.
E.I.N.S four long-term strategic priorities are:
- Empower and Support „Ent-Re-Novators“ to bridge the gaps within the knowledge-triangle
- Enhance Entrepreneurial Education to enable learner driven innovation
- Link Smart Specialisation and Open Innovation to connect regional ecosystems with pan-European networks;
- Provide Expertise and Resources to turn ideas into value for smad and sustainable European regions.