Framework para o Marketing Turístico, orientado para a Inovação, Sustentabilidade e Interação
Project Information
Main Researchers

Maria Teresa Gomes Valente da Costa

Rui Neves Madeira

Sandra Cristina Dias Nunes
This project aims to develop a theoretical framework, with an interdisciplinary approach, for a new collaborative digital marketing paradigm in tourism, being developed in four phases: in the first phase, the team will work on different scenarios for the future of tourism; in the second phase, it will have an inductive approach with an exploratory design to develop the new theoretical framework; in the third phase, with a deductive approach using quantitative methods, the models developed will be empirically validated with stakeholders from a specific tourism region - the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. In the fourth phase, a prototype of a digital platform to support collaborative marketing in tourism will be developed. The expected results of the project are both theoretical and practical.
The expected results of the project are both theoretical and practical. Theoretically, we aim to contribute to the literature in tourism, entrepreneurship, strategy, and marketing through the development of a new theoretical framework. The empirical validation of the models derived from this theoretical framework will also provide useful information for all tourism agents towards a collaborative marketing approach to current challenges. Practically, the prototype will serve as a step towards its future application by tourism stakeholders.
The team created for this project is capable of addressing this theoretical gap and practical need, bringing together extensive experience in competitive research projects. The researchers are associated with centers qualified by FCT: CiTUR - Center for Tourism Research and Development; CEFAGE - Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics at the University of Évora; CinTurs - Center for Research in Tourism, Sustainability and Well-Being at the University of Algarve; CMA - Center for Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology and the NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics (NOVA LINCS) at NOVA University Lisbon. The project will be associated with CITUR.