Systemic Solutions for Accelerating Digital Transition on non-STEAM areas
Project Information
Main Researchers

José Luís Estrelo Gomes de Sousa
The MERIDIES 2 project, developed following the proposal presented to the “Impulsos program – MERIDIES Consortium” (Latin expression that designates South), brings together a group of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) strongly committed to the development of the territory in which they operate, integrating Portalegre Polytechnic University (that Coordinates), Santarém Polytechnic University, Setúbal Polytechnic University and Beja Polytechnic University. the reinforcement of digital skills is guaranteed through a training program, transversal to three specific domains (Informatics, Audiovisuals and Media Production, and Energy and Automation), with a view to strengthening training capacity in less demanding areas. This project aligns agendas, objectives and means in order to enhance sustainable cooperation and competitiveness, taking as a starting point the strengthening of digital skills, for the benefit of the economy, society and the environment, considering the areas already mentioned, around an organizing criterion based on pedagogical innovation and sustainability, promoting regional and national development and convergence with OECD standards, not only in terms of economic development, but also in terms of quality of life and well-being, contributing to the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals