Research CenterResilience
Leisure Attitude, Self-Rated Health, and Psychological Well-Being in Older Adults: A Moderated Mediation Model.Research CenterResilience
Relationship Between Mental Health and the Education Level in Elderly People: Mediation of Leisure AttitudeResearch CenterResilience
Relação entre o estado psicossocial do cuidador informal e o tempo de cuidado dos idosos da Região Centro de PortugalResearch CenterResilience
Study of the leisure influence on attitude for leisure and mental health in a sample of portuguese seniorsResearch CenterResilience
Importance of Religiosity and Spirituality in Institutionalized ElderlyResearch CenterResilience
Avaliação das Expectativas e das Vivências Académicas na Transição para o Ensino Superior.