Ana Maria Álvares Tavares da Mata

Research CenterMARE


Ana M Tavares da Mata completed her PhD in Environmental Engineering in 2015 by Universidade de Lisboa, MsC in Sanitary Engineering in 2007 by Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a degree in Applied Chemistry in 1990 by Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She is Adjunct Teacher in Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal.

Published thirteen articles in journals. Has six sections of books and one book.

Has one patent registered. Co-supervised one PhD thesis. Supervised two Post-PhD works. Has received one awards and/or honors. Participates and/or participated as Principal investigator in one project and Researcher in four projects. Works in the fields of Engineering and Technology (with emphasis on Industrial Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering).

In her curriculum Ciência Vitae the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: inhibition; bioreduction; salinity; activated sludge; water treatment; environment; wastewater treatment; water quality; aerobic granules; xenobiotic; water quality index; water monitorization; oyster aquaculture.