Research CenterResilience
Perceived Organizational Culture and Turnover Intentions: The Serial Mediating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Job InsecurityResearch CenterResilience
Why Do People Work? An Empirical Test of Hybrid Work OrientationsResearch CenterResilience
From Passion to Abyss: The Mental Health of Athletes during COVID-19 LockdownResearch CenterResilience
Burnout and Suicidal Behaviours in Health Professionals in Portugal: The Moderating Effect of Self-EsteemResearch CenterResilience
Study of the Mediating Effect of Social Support and Interpersonal Conflicts in the Relationship between Work Overload and Work-Life ConflictResearch CenterResilience
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in the Portuguese Hospitality Industry: A study on Sociodemographic and Professional Variables.Research CenterResilience
Importância das Caraterísticas Individuais na Determinação dos Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional.Research CenterResilience
Exploratory Study on the Effect of Working Conditions of Portuguese Health Professionals on Burnout and Substance Abuse.Research CenterResilience
The Relationship between Career Calling and Workaholism: The Mediating Role of Career OrientationResearch CenterResilience
Employees’ conflict management in the hospitality industry: An empirical study on the importance of sociodemographic variablesResearch CenterResilience
Construção e estudo psicométrico do Questionário de Orientação para o Trabalho (QOT) - (Construction and psychometric study of Work Orientation Questionnaire (WOQ))Research CenterResilience
Work orientation: Dimensionality and internal modelResearch CenterResilience
The Conceptual Model of Role Stress and Job Burnout in Judges: The Moderating Role of Career Calling