
CDP2T has the following bodies:

a) Scientific Committee;
b) Coordinator.

Scientific Committee

  1. The Scientific Committee shall consist of all members of the CDP2T.
  2. The Scientific Committee shall have the following responsibilities:


  1. Elect the CDP2T Coordinator;
  2. Promote the dynamization of its lines of research;
  3. Participate actively in the activities developed by CDP2T;
  4. Deliberate on the admission and exoneration of the members of the CDP2T;
  5. Approve the internal regulations;
  6. Approve the plans and reports of activities;
  7. Resolve on any other matters submitted to it by the Coordinator;
  8. Propose the restructuring or dissolution of CDP2T.


  1. The Scientific Committee shall meet ordinarily once a semester and, extraordinarily, whenever convened by the Coordinator or at the request of at least one third of its members.
  2. The Scientific Committee may decide only when the majority of its members are present;
  3. The deliberations of the Scientific Committee shall be taken by a simple majority of its members, except in cases of approval of the regulation, the plan of activities, report of activities and accounts and admission and exoneration of members, in which an absolute majority of its members is required.
  4. Decisions are taken by vote, with the Coordinator having a quality vote in case of a tie.
  5. The Minutes of the Scientific Committee meetings are drawn up by the Scientific Committee.
  6. The notices of the Scientific Committee shall be sent by e-mail, at least five working days in advance for ordinary meetings, and two working days in the case of special meetings, containing the agenda, place, day and time of the meeting.


  1. The CDP2T Coordinator shall be a PhD professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal.
  2. The CDP2T Coordinator has the following competencies:


  1. Representation CDP2T;
  2. Preside over the Scientific Committee;
  3. Prepare, convene and direct the meetings of the Scientific Committee;
  4. Prepare the proposed rules of procedure of the CDP2T;
  5. Ensure the management of human and material resources;
  6. Streamline CDP2T activities;
  7. Prepare the proposals of plan of activities of the CDP2T;
  8. Prepare the report on activities of the CDP2T;
  9. Communicate with the various governing bodies of ESTSetúbal;
  10. Ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


  1. The Coordinator of the CDP2T may appoint a Deputy Coordinator to assist and / or substitute in the various activities.
  2. The term of office of the Coordinator of the CDP2T is three years and may be renewed once.
  3. The function of Coordinator of the CDP2T is not cumulative with management positions in organs of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal and its Organizational Units, namely President, Vice-President, Director or Deputy Director.