Cooperating for Excellence and Impact in Research & Innovation
Project Information
Main Researchers

Luís Manuel Rodrigues Coelho

António José Almeida

Eduardo B. Cruz

Marco António Ludovico Marques

Maria Amélia Marques

Maria Catarina Custódio da Paz

Nuno Humberto Costa Pereira

Raquel Alexandra Galamba Duarte

Raquel Teixeira

Susana de Campos Brito Galvão
In line with its vision, mission, core values, culture and principles the E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators project aims to cocreate a more specific joint research and innovation strategy and a common agenda to accelerate the transformation into a European multi-institutional Research and Innovation Hub for Smart and Sustainable Regions. E³UDRES² Ent-r-enovators includes, interacts and collaborates with a diverse variety of smart and ambitious people, academic institutions, regional authorities, companies, European R&I networks and regional innovation ecosystems. E³UDRES² Ent-r-enovators is committed to scientific excellence and research integrity within its cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral key R&I networks and promotes (future) R&I competences, skills, resources, methods, training, services and management for collaborative research and open innovation for smart and sustainable regions, services and management for collaborative research and open innovation for smart and sustainable regions.