Research CenterMARE
Research CenterResilience
Integrated Geophysical Methods for Shallow Aquifers Characterization and ModellingResearch CenterResilience
Mapping soil salinity using electromagnetic conductivity imaging-A comparison of regional and location-specific calibrationsResearch CenterResilience
Prediction of soil salinity and sodicity using electromagnetic conductivity imagingResearch CenterResilience
Unveiling the Data: An Analysis of Plastic Waste with Emphasis on the Countries of the E³UDRES² AllianceResearch CenterResilience
Ground Penetrating Radar Attenuation Expressions in Shallow Groundwater ResearchResearch CenterResilience
Integrated MASW and ERT Imaging for Geological Definition of an Unconfined Alluvial Aquifer Sustaining a Coastal Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystem in Southwest PortugalResearch CenterResilience
Combining of MASW and GPR Imaging and Hydrogeological Surveys for the Groundwater Resource Evaluation in a Coastal Urban Area in Southern SpainResearch CenterResilience
Comparison of Electromagnetic Induction and Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Assessing Soil Salinity: Insights From Four Plots With Distinct Soil Salinity LevelsResearch CenterResilience
Potential to map soil salinity using inversion modelling of EM38 sensor dataResearch CenterResilience
Assessing soil salinity dynamics using time-lapse electromagnetic conductivity imaging