Research CenterResilience
Estilos de Gestão de Conflitos, Comprometimento e Cidadania Organizacional: Estudo Empírico numa Instituição de Ensino Superior PortuguesaResearch CenterResilience
Conflict Management and Organizational Commitment: A Study Among Non-Teaching Staff of a Higher Education InstitutionResearch CenterResilience
Consumer, Retailer, and Producer Green Orientation as a Marketing Driver: An Empirical Study in an Urban Food MarketResearch CenterResilience
From Passion to Abyss: The Mental Health of Athletes during COVID-19 LockdownResearch CenterResilience
Antecedentes do empenhamento organizacional em trabalhadores não-docentes: estudo de caso numa instituição de ensino superiorResearch CenterResilience
Study of the Mediating Effect of Social Support and Interpersonal Conflicts in the Relationship between Work Overload and Work-Life ConflictResearch CenterResilience
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in the Portuguese Hospitality Industry: A study on Sociodemographic and Professional Variables.Research CenterResilience
Importância das Caraterísticas Individuais na Determinação dos Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional.Research CenterResilience
Human Resources Management and Organizational Commitment Behaviors: Study in a Social Solidarity Institution.Research CenterResilience
Exploratory Study on the Effect of Working Conditions of Portuguese Health Professionals on Burnout and Substance Abuse.Research CenterResilience
Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior: Case study in a consultation company.Research CenterResilience
The Relationship between Career Calling and Workaholism: The Mediating Role of Career Orientation