Framework para o Marketing Turístico, orientado para a Inovação, Sustentabilidade e Interação

Project Information

State On Going
Research CenterResilience
Date 02-01-2022
Financing Entity Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
Financing €249.888.76
Reference SHIFT
Uncertainty is the new normal, especially in Tourism. Old and new constraints from the supply side and new needs and behaviours from the demand side require a transformative approach to tourism. Previous research has recognised that tourism marketing efforts are often made independently by various tourism stakeholders, even though collaborative efforts have been recognised as a source of competitive advantage in tourism. We argue that this is even more relevant in a post-pandemic, digitally-driven and sustainability- oriented world, where tourism small and medium-sized enterprises (TSNI Es) face a paradigm shift. More than focusing on recovery, TSMEs have to rethink their role in a new economic order. The comm on theoretical approaches in Economics and Management are, individually, insufficient to provide answers since each one offers a one-sided perspective to the complex challenges that TSMEs face. Moreover, the literature has argued that these theoretical approaches may not be directly applicable to tourism. Even theoretical tourism collaborative marketing frameworks developed in the past do not consider current tourism challenges — such as sustainability, digitalization and recently, post-pandemic consumer behaviour changes. Building on this context, the project aims to develop a theoretical framework, with an interdisciplinary approach, for a new collaborative tourism digital marketing paradigm. The framework will address how tourism agents may transition into that new paradigm, identifying the necessary preconditions, agents, motivations, processes, and expected outcomes. The project also includes the empirical validation of the theoretical models to be developed and a prototype of a collaborative digital marketing platform to explore, within a approach, how the validated models could be implemented in the real world. In terms of methodology, the project will have four main phases. In the first phase, scenarios for the future of Tourism will be developed, using appropriate tools based on the auscultation of world specialists in key areas to which the tourism activity is exposed, such as climate change, technological evolution, social trends, economic transformation, and others to be identified with the project. These scenarios will provide the background for the subsequent phases. The second phase will take an approach with an exploratory design to develop the novel theoretical framework. Qualitative methods will be used, such as in-depth interviews and focus groups, under a grounded theory methodology. Taking into account that Europe is the largest destination in the world we will focus phase two on data gathering from diverse stakeholders across different European countries. In the third phase, with a deductive approach using quantitative methods, the developed models will be empirically validated with stakeholders in a specific tourism region- Lisbon Metropolitan Area. In the last decade, Lisbon as become one of the fastest growing tourism and most awarded destinations in Europe and have increased its relevance in the European tourism context. This choice is not onIy scientifically grounded but also the one that best suites efficiency purposes. In the fourth phase, a digital platform prototype to support collaborative marketing in Tourism will be developed. The expected results of the project are both theoretical and practical. Theoretically, by developing a new theoretical framework we will contribute to tourism, entrepreneurship, strategy and marketing literature, towards a paradigm change. Moreover, the empirical validation of the new framework' s derived models will bring useful insights for all tourism agents towards a collaborative marketing approach to current challenges. From the practical point of view the digital platform's prototype will serve as a stepping stone for its future concrete