
RESILIENCE is a multidisciplinary research center, supported by two major areas: management, and earth and environmental sciences and technologies. Its mission is to foster innovative and sustainable solutions that enhance the resilience and sustainability of regions, both nationally and internationally. It proactively responds to contemporary and emerging challenges through collaborative partnerships with public and/or private entities to maximize the impact and relevance of its research.


RESILIENCE has four research areas:

  1. Resilient and Sustainable Management
  2. Sustainable Technologies
  3. Risks and Vulnerability
  4. Society, Education, Behaviors, and Skills for Sustainability

Contact: resilience@ips.pt

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/resilience-ips/


The objectives of RESILIENCE are to:

  • Foster and develop multidisciplinary scientific research in areas defined by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT);
  • Create an environment conducive to research, development, and innovation (R&D+i) activities, such as infrastructure creation and participation in international networks;
  • Promote research, innovation, and internationalization, motivating its members to conceive and develop innovative projects and provide specialized services that meet community needs, with an emphasis on collaboration with regional entities;
  • Promote exchanges with other similar institutions through the establishment of national and international partnerships;
  • Disseminate and transfer scientific and technological knowledge resulting from the research, such as publishing scientific articles, registering patents, trademarks, or other scientific nature products.

Over the next 5 years, RESILIENCE aims to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals:



RESILIENCE has the following bodies:

  1. Executive Committee, made up of a Coordinator and two Sub-Coordinators, is responsible for the strategic, administrative and financial management of RESILIENCE.
  2. The Scientific Committee, compose by all RESILIENCE members, and is an advisory body that deliberates on R&D+i guidelines and ensures the quality and relevance standards of the activities carried out by RESILIENCE members.
  3. Project Teams are working groups that carry out research in thematic areas aligned with RESILIENCE's goals. Each team is coordinated by an integrated member responsible for managing activities and liaising with the Executive Committee.
  4. The External Scientific Monitoring Committee, comprising 3 to 5 eminent scientific figures, with recognised merit from outside Polytechnic of Setúbal. This advisory and evaluation body monitors the quality and impact of RESILIENCE's activities.




Laboratory – IT | ESCE

LogisticsLAB - IPS Logistics Laboratory | ESCE | Laboratório D2.23

Laboratório que visa aproximar a academia dos parceiros tecnológicos e empresariais, numa abordagem problem based learning, pelo que é um espaço de partilha de tecnologia e soluções atualmente aplicadas no tecido empresarial.

Accounting and Finance Laboratory | ESCE | Laboratório D2.19

Accounting Laboratory that seeks to boost the development of joint activities, between Academia and Companies, and provide students with increased skills, fundamentally through real contact with the best practices existing in organizations.