Produção de scaffolds cerâmicos para regeneração óssea por impressão 3D

Project Information

State Finished
Date 01-03-2021 to 31-05-2022
Financing Entity Projeto interno
Financing €4.998
Reference BioScaff
Scaffolds are porous structures designed for implantation to replace bone material removed by trauma or disease, thereby increasing the bone's regenerative capacity and protecting tissue during regeneration. Conventional scaffold manufacturing technologies, currently used by Bioceramed, allow the production of simple geometries, but have difficulty generating complex geometries. Additive manufacturing may be a solution, but its use requires final product certification for clinical use. This exploratory project intends to verify the applicability of additive manufacturing in the production of ceramic scaffolds, with characteristics of porosity, mechanical strength and composition similar to conventional ones, thus eliminating the need for recertification of the product by Bioceramed. Based on previous experience, the team proposes to optimize the composition of a hybrid resin that allows the printing of scaffolds by stereolithography. The pore geometry is based on triple-periodic minimal surfaces: the resulting structure has fully interconnected porosity, high surface density and high mechanical strength, satisfying the requirements for bone regeneration. The resulting physical properties and composition are studied, predictably similar to those obtained by conventional processes. It will thus be possible to introduce this new form of production on the market, without the need for certification