PRODUTECH SIF - Soluções para a Indústria de Futuro

Project Information

State Finished
Date 01-10-2017 to 30-09-2021
Financing Entity Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional
Financing €5.099.422.49
Reference ProduTech SIF
The umbrella project ?programa mobilizador PRODUTECH SIF ? Soluções para a Indústria do Futuro? (Solutions for the Industry of the Future) embodies a comprehensive response towards the development and implementation of new production systems, embedding advanced production technologies, that will equip the manufacturing industry to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 4th industrial revolution. It incorporates a strategic and coherent set of R&D activities in key domains that foresees the development of new production technologies for multi-sectorial application, and with impacts in the reinforcement of the competitiveness and sustainability of the industry at international level, encompassing: - Networked production systems - Innovative technologies for new cyber-physical production systems - Development, management and improvement of cyber-physical production systems - Key enabling production technologies, automation and advance robotic systems - Integral sustainability and efficiency of production systems - Energy technologies - Advanced tools for the development of products and services The umbrella PRODUTECH SIF incorporates a research and innovation agenda, for production technologies, cyber-physical systems and industry transformation. It embodies the combined efforts from companies from the industrial fabric and R&D organizations, gathering a critical mass for the development and deployment of advanced knowledge and technologies, which will be transferred and assimilated by industrial companies, and deployed in innovative products/services (production technologies), embedding advanced solutions. It foresees the technology creation, acceleration, transfer and demonstration in reference companies from user sectors, towards its effective diffusion, valorisation and adoption by industry. The PRODUTECH SIF umbrella stems from the confluence of R&D +I +D(emonstration and diffusion) axes of the Production Technologies Cluster multi-annual programme.