PRODUTECH SUSTENTÁVEL & CIRCULAR - Soluções inovadoras, sustentáveis e circulares com impacto na fileira das tecnologias de produção

Project Information

State Finished
Date 01-07-2020 to 30-06-2023
Financing Entity Agência Nacional de Inovação
Financing €8.036.854.43
The PRODUTECH 4 S&C Project is a response from the Production Technologies Industry (PTI) towards the establishment of a circular and sustainable manufacturing industry. It foresees the development of innovative production technologies, in response to the manufacturing industry's urgency of proceeding with the digital and green transition that will enable its sustainability, competitiveness and resiliency. As such, it will support production technologies companies to assume a key position in a evermore important global niche: innovative production technology solutions that enable industrial circularity and sustainability. It incorporates a coherent set of interventions, directed towards the development of products-systems-services, ecosystems of tools and applications, methodologies and strategies, supported by the new digitalisation paradigms, aiming at the: Capacity building towards the development new sustainable products (production systems and components); Integration and advanced management of sustainable production systems, zero defects - zero environmental impacts; Symbiotic management of production ecosystems and supply chains in a circular context; Implementation of circular and sustainable approaches in manufacturing. It embodies a research and innovation agenda, in the fields of production technologies, circular economy, cyber-physical systems and industry modernisation. It results from the gathering of critical mass of companies and entities, that shared this common goal. It foresees the creation, acceleration and demonstration of solutions, in user sectors, and the wide dissemination towards its effective diffusion. It will deploy new products-services-systems of high added value, promote the reinforcement of the international positioning of the Production Technology Companies, and will enhance their qualified integration in global value/innovation chains. PRODUTECH 4 S&C project stems from the action programme of the PRODUTECH cluster, and notably from its strategic intervention axis "Mobilisation to cutting edge R&D+I". (