Marcela Souto Castro

Research CenterResilience


Marcela Souto Castro is a professor at Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. Holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Rennes School of Business. Dr. Castro is passionate about teaching. She vigorously pursues learning innovative methods and tools to inspire students. She lectures and researches on a variety of topics in Supply Chain Management. She provided consulting and training at big organizations such as TIM, Endesa, Claro, Avon, GSK, Vale, Souza Cruz, Estaleiro Atlântico Sul and Valesul.

Prior to her academic career, she had experience in the commercial area, having worked in national and multinational companies (ENEL, GENERAL ELECTRIC, REPSOL YPF and TURBOMECA).

Concurrently with academic work, she was several relevant publications cited below. Her area of interest is supply chain and new technologies.

ISI/SCOPUS Indexed Journals
  • Castro, M.S.; Bahli, B.; Ferreira, J.J.; Figueiredo, R. Comparing Single-Item and Multi-Item Trust Scales: Insights for Assessing Trust in Project Leaders. Behav. Sci. 2023, 13, 786. https://
  • Blak Bernat G, Qualharini EL, Castro MS, Barcaui AB, Soares RR. Sustainability in Project Management and Project Success with Virtual Teams: A Quantitative Analysis Considering Stakeholder Engagement and Knowledge Management. (2023) Sustainability; 15(12):9834.
  • Blak Bernat, G.; Qualharini, E.L.; Castro, M.S. Enhancing Sustainability in Project Management: The Role of Stakeholder Engagement and Knowledge Management in Virtual Team Environments. (2023) Sustainability, 15, 4896. https://
  • Castro M, Barcaui A, Bahli B, Figueiredo R. (2022) Do the Project Manager’s Soft Skills Matter? Impacts of the Project Manager’s Emotional Intelligence, Trustworthiness, and Job Satisfaction on Project Success. Administrative Sciences; 12(4):141.
  • Castro, M.S., Bahli, B., Barcaui, A. and Figueiredo, R. (2021), "Does one project success measure fit all? An empirical investigation of Brazilian projects", International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 788-805.
  • CASTRO, M.; BARCAUI, A.; BAHLI, B.; FARIAS FILHO, J. R. (2020). A contemporary vision of project success criteria. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, v. 16, p. 66-77, 2019. ISSN: 2237-8960.

  • CASTRO, M. (2021). Métodos Ágeis – Sprints de Experiências Práticas – Capítulo: Planejando em Ambiente Ágil. CASTRO, M., BARCAUI, A. São Paulo, Saramago. ISBN: 978-65-5751-034-6.
  • CASTRO, M. (2020).  Livro: Negociação Plug and Play. São Paulo, Actual. ISBN:978-65-8701-909-3.
  • CASTRO, M., BARCAUI, A., FIGUEIREDO, R.; (2019). Turismo - Estratégia, Competitividade e Desenvolvimento - Capítulo: Seleção de Portfólio de Projetos – Um caso de estudo em hotelaria, ESTEVÃO, C., COSTA, C. . Novas Edições Acadêmicas. Publisher: ISBN: 978.613.9.79861.2.
  • FIGUEIREDO, R.; CASTRO, M., BARCAUI, A. (2019). Turismo - Estratégia, Competitividade e Desenvolvimento – Capítulo: A importância do Marketing digital para o setor de hotelaria., ESTEVÃO, C., COSTA, C.  Novas Edições Acadêmicas. Publisher: ISBN: 978.613.9.79861.2.

Book Chapters:

  • CASTRO, M.; LISBOA, L.; BARCAUI, A. B.; NAVARRO, C.; (2023). AI in Financial Management: Professional Insights - Elsevier Finance Conference
  • CASTRO, M.; BAHLI, B.; BARCAUI, A. B.; FIGUEIREDO, R. (2022). Forecasting project success through project team trust: Brazilian empirical study - ProjMAN 2022 - International Conference on Project Management. (Aceito – em publicação  indexado na Scopus e Web of Science)
  • CASTRO, M.; BAHLI, B.; BARCAUI, A. B.; FIGUEIREDO, R. (2020). As soft skills afetam o resultado dos projetos?. Simpósio Internacional de Gestão de Projetos, Inovação e Sustentabilidade - VIII Singep e 8a CIK. ISSN:2317-8302.
  • CASTRO, M. S.; FARIAS, J. R. Procedimentos e práticas para melhorar resultados pós projetos. IX Congresso Nacional de Excelência em Gestão, 2013, RIO DE JANEIRO. ISSN 1984-9354