Maria Teresa Gomes Valente da Costa


Teresa Costa holds a PhD in Management and developed her Post PhD in Entrepreneurship and Social Capital in Tourism at the University of São Paulo.

She is a coordinator professor in the Department of Economics and Management at the Business School at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal. 

She is an integrated member at RESILIENCE - Center for Regional Resilience and Sustainability and an associated member at CiTUR - Center for Applied Research in Tourism, member of the scientific board of CITUR-Estoril, editor-in-chief of EJTHR (European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation) during 2018-2021.

 She is an invited professor at several national and international universities where she collaborates in several masters and doctoral programs Her current research interests focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, social capital, networks, governance, collaboration and sustainability in tourism. Her research has been published in journals such Journal of Business Economics and Management, Global Business Review, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Cogent Business & Management, Jornal of Tourism and services, Int. J. Knowledge-Based Development, Tourism & Management Studies.

She has also published several book chapters and co-editions of handbooks and eBooks related with entrepreneurship, innovation, social capital and networks with IGI Global.

Currently she is the principal investigator of SHIFT project (PTDC/EGE-OGE/2146/2021) funded by FCT and she is investigador of several other research projects (FCT, EU, PDSE/Capes, IPS/CITUR ).

She also participate as project coordinator of 8 other different research projects (EU, PDSE/Capes, IPS/CITUR funded) in the area of entrepreneurship, innovation, tourism, networks, collaboration and social capital.