Catarina Ferreira dos Santos


Catarina Ferreira dos Santos is an Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Setúbal School of Technology in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. She completed her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering in 2012 at the University of Aveiro. She is an integrated member of the Research Center CQE-IST funded by FCT. Currently, she is the Co-Investigator of the research project NanoTec4Perio funded by FCT. She actively participates in national and international projects. She has published 71 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Has 3 chapters of books.

In her professional activities, she has interacted with several collaborators in the co-authorship of scientific papers. She has oriented 1 FCT Postdoctoral Fellow, 2 PhD thesis, 6 MSc dissertations (IPS, New University of Lisbon, ITS) and more than 20 graduation/undergraduate course conclusion works (IPS). She is currently supervising 2 PhD students. 

She has received 2 awards and honours. Works in the areas of Materials Engineering Sciences with emphasis on Nanotechnology, 3D printing and Biodegradable Biomaterials.

Since March 2021 she has been the Coordinator of the Degree Course in Biomedical Technology.